Wednesday, September 12, 2007


When you are forgotten or neglected,
or purposely set at naught,
and you smile inwardly,
glorying in the insult or the oversight,
That is victory.
When your good is evil spoken of,
when your wishes are crossed,
your tastes offended,
your advice disregarded,
your opinions ridiculed,
and you take it all in loving patient silence,
That is victory.
When you are content
with any food,
any raiment,
any climate,
any society,
any position in life,
any solitude,
any interruption,
That is victory.
When you can bear with any discord,
any annoyance,
any irregularity (of which you are not the cause),
That is victory.
When you can stand face to face with folly,
extravagance, spiritual insensibility,
contradiction of sinners, persecution
-- and endure it all as Jesus endured --
That is victory.
When you never care to refer to yourself
in conversation,
nor to record your works,
nor to seek after commendation,
when you truly love to be unknown,
That is victory.


Pauline said...

A victory we humans need to strive for. What a marvelous read for my morning!!! Thank you :)

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I need to re-read this to get the full meaning of your words...It is filled with very interesting and important things. Thanbk You!

twilite said...

pauline & naomi: post this to remind self...thank you.

Pauline said...

Came back to re-read. Is this from the bible, or an interpretation of such? Wonderful,uplifting, purposeful...To simply be is a victory.

Bob said...

Great post. Thanks for sharing!

twilite said...

pauline: This was given to me when I was on the verge of quitting long time ago. This is inspiration from Bible that our victory is in Christ (1 Cor 15:57).

bob: ^_^...

Mother of Invention said...

There is so much here to strive for, strive being the operative word as I don't think anyone is totally victorious in all this!

Abigail S said...

I especially like the part:
when you are content with any... that is victory.

twilite said...

moi: I guess the victory comes from the knowledge that I'm able to accept that given.

Fragments of life experiences either wears one thin or catapult one to higher levels of learning and living. That is victory to rise above and be content.

abigail: great to see you.

Pauline said...

My grandmother used to tell a story
When a child is first born two books are placed in front of them. One is heavy, one is light. The book chosen determines the weight of lifes journey and its lessons. I always loved this story for so much of our lives is a process of acceptance. Hug to you and thank you for sharing.

twilite said...

pauline: thank you for the story...I love this interaction.