Sunday, October 19, 2008

changes with time

In the name of progress and prosperity,
this is one old and narrow road that has become an arcade in a shopping mall.
The latest news of global financial crisis has been unnerving...wondering where mankind is heading.
I wonder what percentage of population lost their homes as a result of the subprime? How many homeless will survive the forthcoming winter months in the US.
Resulting from greed of a few, many suffer! Life certainly is not fair. Sadly many lost their hard-earned savings in collapsed of financial institutions.
This credit crisis and subprime has become a worldwide phenomenon. A result of global city?
News on Iceland going bankrupt is most disturbing!
Will this crisis cause many to wake up from senseless personal spending on credit?
Whoever becomes the next president of the US will have many, many challenges!
Will one see the new poor coming from the developed countries tomorrow?

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