Thursday, August 09, 2007

1st generation

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42 years ago when Singapore became independent, she was a land without natural resources, only human resources.

She had a bunch of visionary cabinet leaders headed by Mr Lee Kuan Yew, the late Mr Rajaratnam, and Dr Goh Keng Swee and their cohorts who had sacrificed talents and time to build up Singapore to where she is.

Tributes given to these first generation of leaders who helped the citizens battled through natural disaster like water rationing; racial riots and communism that had been infiltrating this area.

The leaders had the vision to provide housing for the people. Today, about 90% of the population are home-owners, living in high-rise flats on this island city.

Happy 42nd birthday of independence!

May peace reign and prosperity flourish for years to come!


Mother of Invention said...

That is an amazing change. I'd love to see it!

twilite said...

moi: Come and visit Singapore and this part of the world. Amazing changes.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Wonderful Sculpture and Tribute to those times, now gone...!

About "Cagney & Lacey", As I tried to explain, this book is a history of that PRODUCED DRAMA SERIES. C&G was not a book before it was a series, it was created and written by two women and, this book is a history of that journey by the man who Produced it and was in on it from the beginning of it's creation. That is why this book is important and so very good. Hope this helps explain about it.

twilite said...
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twilite said...

naomi: Thanks for recommending the book.

Joy Des Jardins said...

The sculptures are just beautiful Lea....I love them. This was a wonderful post...thanks so much.

twilite said...

joy: glad you enjoy that and thanks for the encouraging words.

Pauline said...

Peace and prosperity wished for all. As lovely as the sculptures are I would prefer to still see children enjoying the clean waters.
Often I question our progress when real life is replaced by statues.
Have a wonderful day :)

twilite said...

pauline: today it's forbidden to enjoy fun like that -- indecent exposure?! The statues are reminders of children of yesteryears! I was pleasantly surprise to find such statues. Thank you and good day to you.

Abigail S said...

I like that middle picture. Amazing artistry.