Sunday, April 01, 2007

a cat story

Today is April Fool's day. How did this day originate or come about?

During church service, a lady pastoral staff preached on Palm Sunday...and she threw in this story.

She started off with an apology for repeating the story. She wanted to bring across the feeling of being rejected when trying to do good.

It was a strayed cat she took a liking and fed it regularly (presumably only on Sundays when church services were held at VCH?). Something happened in her life, so one fine day, she felt a need for the cat and decided to do good and gave it a home.

However, on the day she went looking for it, the carpark was packed which meant the cat was not readily visible. She called out the cat and prayed that she'd find it. She did. She quickly put the cat into car and sped home. The cat meowed loudly in protest during the journey home...and days later, the cat escaped and disappeared.

Did the cat need a home? Or, was she in need of the cat?


Mother of Invention said...

Cats are weird..they just want to be owned on their own terms and when they're ready to be a tad dependent

twilite said...

mother of invention: thanks 4 the interesting info. I'm not a cat person or a dog as I live in an apartment. I do not know how people can rear animals in a small space though.