Wednesday, March 21, 2007


A photo or a picture speaks a thousand words.
By comparison, words pale in expression as these belong to one's impression or bias.
A photo leaves one to decide how one views and forms one's opinion.
I enjoy taking human action photos
but a digital camera does not allow that
and besides it's not nice to show someone's face without permission.
Many times I wanted to take shots of those inconsiderates but...


Annelisa said...

Pictures do give split-second impressions, but they don't tell a whole story... sometimes it's kind of nice having a mixture of both - the real image, but also someone's impressions - Knowing that the impressions are personal also adds to the interest. Two people viewing the same event, seeing the same thing, from the same vantage point will, of course have different impressions. Hearing of those definately adds a new dimension to the photo.

I've found that, when I just post a photo, no comments, people don't like it as much as if I even add one word - I guess it's because it's the word I chose to add, so that makes it more personal... Funny, isn't it!

By the way - have you got two blogs?

twilite said...

Thank you Annelisa for your thoughtful comment. I shall remember that...

Annelisa said...

I'm guessing that also depends on personal preferences... some people might prefer no influence of opinion :-)