Wednesday, January 24, 2007

blog world

As the days go by, I find this blog world (blogosphere?) an interesting place.

There are so many new jargons which are so alien to me.

Bloggers tag one another, meme, blogblast, blogitive, and whatsoever...

The best is the best...why the bestest?

I guess I will never fully fathom the excitement...take e.g. when the bestest of blog nominate a blog, the blogger seems greatly elated and start celebrating... Is this like the oscar award for the film and pop stars industry!

I add bloggers to my blogs browsed for convenience of re-entering to read that updated...

It's amazing there are millions if not billions of bloggers out there...

1 comment:

Abigail S said...

Hi there! I see you're kind of new to blogging. It's a fun, wild world!

I like this blog you've set up. There's some cool stuff here! Keep up the good work!